

Quadrant believes that management makes or breaks a company and reflects the values of the organization.  The majority of our principals and managing directors have run organizations as a CEO and have extensive operational experience.  The average tenure of our investment team members is in excess of 15 years.  We hold our core values closely and they serve as the foundation of how we operate and communicate.

Investment Team and Advisors

Alan Quasha


Barbara Ann Bernard

Bruce Bunner

Devon Quasha

Eli Davidai

Grant Quasha

Ilona Nemeth

Jed Rust

Dr Joe John

John Preston

Luke McGee

Marco Vega

Norman Nigh

Shirley Yip

Steve Winston

Ted Deinard

Tom Pontzius

Weston Quasha

Wayne Quasha

Investment Team and Advisors

Alan Quasha


Bruce Bunner

Eli Davidai

Ilona Nemeth

Dr Joe John

Luke McGee

Norman Nigh

Steve Winston

Tom Pontzius

Wayne Quasha

Barbara Ann Bernard

Devon Quasha

Grant Quasha

Jed Rust

John Preston

Marco Vega

Shirley Yip

Ted Deinard

Weston Quasha